
Bioenno Electronics is  the third subsidiary company of Bioenno Tech, LLC and along with its sister subsidiaries of Power and Lifesciences is currently based in Orange county, CA. Bioenno Electronics  works in close collaboration our Bioenno Power and Bioenno Lifesciences  subsidiary and serves the principle driving force behind the current generation of electronic devices for various applications from advanced power solutions to next generation biosensors and detection devices at the cutting edge of its field.  Our Bioenno Electronics subsidiary is currently working to providing the products, manufacturing and development.fiber_optic_1pic

Founded in 2012, Bioenno Electronics subsidiary possesses its own dedicated capabilities  and facilities  for manufacturing and development as well as its own dedicated staff. Its business covers:

(1) advanced materials manufacturing that include (a) hybrid electronic packaging; (b) nano-processing, and (c) 3-D printing; and

(2) optical modulators, detectors and sensors.

Bioenno Electronics has the capabilities, experience and technical knowledge to pursue advancements in technology with the ultimate goal of transforming recent laboratory developments into fully realized products. In addition to its own research, development and manufacturing activities, this subsidiary also actively engages in joint research and development projects, commissioned research and development projects and design projects, and joint or commissioned manufacturing. Our experience and expertise allow us to provide research, development capabilities and technical know-how that the industry needs in order to advance.

Our subsidary primarily specializes in cutting-edge development of electronic devices specifically in the field of communications devices. We are currently engaged in the development of nanotechnology-based UV photodetectors, IR detectors, and graphene-based optical modulator for telecommunications– first generation graphene technology utilizing graphene as a function-enhancement substance and .a stepping stone towards creating a fully graphene based device in the near future  These are a number of other projects, developments and research we are currently engaged in (1) microwave/RF devices, and (2)  chemical/fluid/gas sensors based on wide bandgap semicondu.ctors, and/or nanotechnology for environmental and biomedical applications.eg_cf
Additional information are available for download: Technical Diagrams

Bioenno Electronics also provides the manufacturing services of (1) biomedical devices and components, (2) microwave/RF components, devices and packages. We also offer the capability to design and develop microwave communications components including hybrid packages, modulators, photodetectors, connectors, headers, and feedthroughs per customer design such as specialty components characterized by gas tightness, specialty connectors or cables, specialty temperature characteristics and/or hermetic sealing requirements

In addition,Bioenno Electronics is also teamed with Aegis Technology Inc. in developing Nanomaterials-based thermoelectric (TE) cooler and thermoelectric generator (TEG) devices; and teaming with Bioenno Power Subsidiary in developing of GaN based power electronic devices/systems including inverters and capacitor/battery chargers.

For more information along with questions, comments or general inquiries regarding our research, products and services, please visit Bioenno Electronics